100% Fresh ingredients

Natural nutrition for a longer, healthier life

Get your test box for just €6.99

"Jsme velmi šťastní, mohu říci jednu věc: Mimi se výrazně zlepšila, její srst se stala lesklejší, a to díky kvalitě."

od Doroty icon Ověřený kupující
  • Vhodné pro alergiky

    Naše krmivo sušené na vzduchu, pečlivě vytvořené bez běžných alergenů, jako jsou obiloviny, lepek nebo umělá aditiva, je ideální pro psy s citlivou kůží nebo žaludky. Udržujte svého psa šťastného, ​​zdravého a bez svědění.

  • Čisté, přírodní ingredience

    Naše receptury sušené na vzduchu jsou vyrobeny z nejkvalitnějšího masa lidského původu a zdravého ovoce a zeleniny. Žádná plniva, obiloviny nebo umělé přísady – pouze čistá výživa v každém soustu.

  • Ideální pro citlivé žaludky

    Naše jídla sušená na vzduchu jsou pečlivě vyrobena a jsou snadno stravitelná, podporují zdraví střev a snižují riziko alergií. S nízkým obsahem sacharidů a bez obilovin je to nejlepší krmivo pro citlivé psy.

  • Podporuje imunitu a zdraví srsti

    Naše krmivo sušené na vzduchu je bohaté na základní vitamíny a antioxidanty, posiluje imunitní systém vašeho psa a podporuje zdravou, lesklou srst. Díky vyvážené, celozrnné stravě zůstane váš pes silný, aktivní a vypadá co nejlépe.

Zoozy Pet Food

  • Cooking Temperature


    Low temperature (below 40°C), preserves nutrients

  • Ingredients


    Human-grade, 80% fresh meat and 20% fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Allergens


    Free from grains, gluten, and artificial additives

  • Carbohydrates


    Low-carb, ideal for weight management and energy

  • Digestibility


    Easily digestible, supports gut health and reduces bloating


  • Cooking Temperature


    High temperature (around 120°C), destroys 70+ essential nutrients

  • Ingredients


    Processed meat meals, fillers, and artificial ingredients

  • Allergens


    Contains grains, gluten, and potential allergens

  • Carbohydrates


    High-carb, often leads to weight gain and energy crashes

  • Digestibility


    Difficult to digest, can lead to digestive issues and bloating

Customer Testimonials

“We are very happy, I can say one thing: Mimi's has significantly improved, her coat has become shinier, and this is thanks to the quality. What I didn't expect is that she really loves the insect-based food (I'm very happy because it supports immunity)😍. I hope thanks to Zoozy food, we will need to visit the vet less...”

(@swiat_mimi) Instagram

“Something you don’t know about Mao! After a month of eating Zoozy food, we can clearly see a difference in Mao’s coat quality ❤️. What else has improved? Most of all, concentration and the ability to focus 😍. Mao has a lot of positive energy, but it's now much easier for him to focus on tasks 👍.”

(@mao.minifitdog) Instagram

“The air-dried insect menu from @zoozy_pet_food consists of 60% black soldier fly larvae 🦋, mixed with fresh vegetables and delicious fruits, including crispy sweet potatoes 🥔, nutritious carrots 🥕, young peas 🌱, fresh apples 🍏🍎, nutritious broccoli 🌳, and berries 🍇. These rich ingredients create tasty dry food pellets, which Chrupeczek loves ❤️🔥.”

(@chrupek_jamnik) Instagram

“We are very impressed with how the food worked for our dog Euro. First of all, their well-being and coat condition improved a lot. I never thought that one package of food could contain so much variety. It really deserves more recognition.”

(@latka.aurorka) Instagram

“I noticed that Lucky has fewer tear stains around the eyes, and his coat is much less dull 💗.”

(@lucky_the_cavalierr) Instagram

“We are completely satisfied. Both lamb and horse food are very tasty. Snoop has digestive problems, but he’s not nauseous at all after Zoozy's food ❤️ Thank you very much!😭.”

(@snoop_dogg_buldocek) Instagram

Váš pes si zaslouží to nejlepší

Ne prázdné sliby Kibble – dejte jim čerstvé, na vzduchu sušené krmivo Zoozy

Save up to 30%
  • Big Sample box (4 vzorky + 4 pamlsky)

    Big Sample box (4 vzorky + 4 pamlsky)

    Obsahuje 4 vzorky a 4 pamlsky, každý 70 a 80 gramů

    Běžná cena €12,99
    Only Výprodejová cena €12,99 Běžná cena €36,00
    Sleva Vyprodáno
    Try it
  • Vzorkovnice 4*70g

    Vzorkovnice 4*70g

    Obsahuje 4 druhy potravin, každý po 70 gramech

    Běžná cena €6,99
    Only Výprodejová cena €6,99 Běžná cena €18,00
    Sleva Vyprodáno
    Try it

Save up to 10% with our subscription plan

Save up to 10% with our subscription plan
Shop now
No commitment, cancel anytime
Access to premium new products
Cost savings and discounts
  • 1,06 €/den

    Bella, 3 kg, Maltipoo

    Zdravotní problémy: Alergie
    Oblíbená příchuť: Koňské menu

  • 1,99 €/den

    Luna, 5 kg, border kolie

    Zdravotní problémy: Problémy se srstí
    Oblíbená příchuť:
    Jehněčí menu

  • 3,08 €/den

    Sunny, 10kg, Irský setr

    Zdravotní problémy: Pohyblivost kloubů
    Oblíbená příchuť:
    Hovězí menu

Have a Questions?

We're here to help

My dog has allergies, will this work for her?

Absolutely! Our food is made without common allergens like grains, gluten, and artificial additives. It’s crafted specifically for dogs with sensitive skin and allergies. In fact, many owners notice a significant improvement in their dog’s coat, skin, and overall health within
2-3 months of switching to Zoozy.

My dog has a sensitive stomach, is it safe?

Yes, Zoozy is designed for dogs with sensitive digestion. Our air-dried food is gently
processed to keep all the nutrients intact, making it much easier to digest than kibble. It’s
also free from harsh fillers or artificial ingredients. Your dog’s gut health will thank you!

I’m afraid to change food I’ve switched kibble brands multiple times

We understand! Changing food can be stressful, especially if you’ve tried different kibbles
without success. Zoozy is different — our air-dried recipes are more nutritious and easier to
digest. To help ease your worries, we offer two sample boxes for just €6.99 and €12.99,
instead of the regular prices of €18 and €36. This way, you can try it at 70% off before fully
committing. Most dogs adapt quickly, and with Zoozy, you’ll see improvements in their
energy, digestion, and overall happiness.

How much does it cost?

Zoozy may seem like a premium option at first glance, but when you consider the higher
nutrient density and better digestibility compared to kibble, it’s actually more affordable
long-term. For example, feeding a 10 kg dog costs about €3 per day—cheaper than your
daily coffee! Plus, it’s far less expensive than vet bills for poor nutrition.

What are the benefits of a subscription?

A subscription not only saves you money with a 10% discount but also ensures you never
run out of food. You can easily adjust the delivery frequency or pause it anytime. Plus, with
consistent feeding, you’ll see long-term improvements in your dog’s health, energy, and

less then 15 kg
1 — 1,5% *
15—30 kg
1% *
more then 30 kg
0,8—1% *
less then 8 month /Monat
2—3% *

* of dog's bodyweight / per day

Example: A dog weighing 20 kg, with a recommended daily intake of 1%, requires 200 g of food per day.